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Looking for a specialist with experience in PANDAS?  

The Canadian eMentalHealth network is available nationwide. Click on the link below to search for pediatricians, psychologists and mental health units in your region.



Eastern Canada​

​       Nova Scotia

             Children's Hospital

​ â€‹                          IWK Health Center - Halifax

      Newfoundland and Labrabor

​              Children's Hospital

                            Janeway Children's Health and Rehabilitation Centre, St. John's

Central Canada​


                       Children's Hospitals

​                            Children's Hospital of Western Ontario, London

                            Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa
                            The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto
                            McMaster Children's Hospital, Hamilton

​                â€‹ Other Resources


​        Quebec

                Children's Hospitals

                          Montreal Children's Hospital, Montréal

                             Centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte-Justine, Montréal



Western Canada


               Children's Hospitals​

                            Alberta Children's Hospital, Calgary

                            Stollery Children's Hospital, Edmonton

      British Columbia​

             Children's Hospitals​

                          BC Children's Hospital, Vancouver
                             Queen Alexandra Foundation for Children's Health, Victoria


​       Manitoba

             Children's Hospital

                           The Children's Hospital of Winnipeg, Winnipeg


The information on the PANDAS Canada website is not intended to be used as medical advice.  Seek a qualified healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and  treatment.

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